Lead Single - Lovin' Lovin' You


I’m excited to announce my lead single, “Lovin’ Lovin’ You”, released on May 31st, 2019. Creating music has been a lifelong dream of mine and I’ve been eager to finally share my first song with everyone! “Lovin’ Lovin’ You” is available on all popular music streaming channels.

Relly - Lovin' Lovin' You - Single Cover.jpg

This one originated from my relationship with my ex, who worked a lot and prioritized time with family and friends rather than us. I hoped for more alone time - just the two of us. In those hours that I waited in anticipation to be together, I decided to put pen to paper and wrote a song to pass time. After that relationship ended, I still loved the song and so did everyone who listened to it, so I kept it as a reminder of what it feels like to be in love and to have all of that joy and excitement for someone.

After meeting my current partner about a year ago, those feelings came back, stronger than ever. It was a new love, a new laugh and a new life. I slowly started to attribute the feelings I got from “Lovin’ Lovin’ You” to how I feel in my current relationship. The lyrics are sexual in nature, which I get drilled about, but we are all sexual beings - so why hide it? The song is about love and sex between two people who tease and flirt with each other. It's fun, light-hearted and infused with tropical and middle-eastern rhythms, if you listen closely. The hook, “I’ve been lovin’ … I’ve been lovin’ you” is catchy and if my 70 year old aunties and uncles are singing it, that must be a good sign.

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